Natural Cancer Cure: The Guide to Overcoming Disease Without Remedies
Natural Cancer Cure
The natural cure for cancer already exists and is available to all! Best of all, there are no side effects to this treatment.
Cancer is a serious global problem that affects millions of people. Every year more than 12.7 million people in the world are diagnosed with cancer, and about 7.6 million die from the disease.
This number represents 13% of all deaths in the world! If nothing is done, estimate that there will be 26 million new cases and about 17 million deaths every year from 2030.
The main cause of cancer is the sedentary lifestyle, bad eating habits and the toxins present in our daily lives.
Thousands of people have found the natural cure for cancer, following treatments without drugs, chemotherapy, radiation or surgery, only with changes in habits.
Natural Cancer Cure? Because?
When discovering a devastating disease like cancer, the first attitude we take is to seek medical help to cope with cancer through chemical treatments. Most people do not believe there is a natural cancer cure.
This is because we have learned at a young age that doctors and modern medicine solutions are the best and most effective way to fight a disease. Big mistake.
Research and studies have shown that conventional cancer treatment, through chemotherapy, medicine and radiation, is worse than cancer itself.
A cancer patient who does not receive treatment lives longer and with much more quality than those who undergo chemical treatment.
Chemotherapy kills more people than cancer itself, it is toxic because it does not distinguish healthy cells from diseased cells.Have you ever lost a friend or relative to cancer? Even receiving chemical treatment? Most likely, yes.
Unfortunately the painful treatment that these people faced, in the hope of being healed, may have been in vain.
Doctors and nutritionists around the world are beginning to warn us about the real purpose of these treatments. The theory behind the disease mafia that you will read next is terrible, but it makes a lot of sense.
Inpatient patient
Who would benefit from the Cancer Cure?
According to many doctors and researchers, the medical community is supporting the suffering and illness of cancer patients for obvious reasons: profit.
The pharmaceutical industry has no interest in developing methods of disease prevention, let alone cure. Where will their profit come from if no one else has cancer?
There is no profit in the natural cure of cancer, the purpose of the disease industry is to ensure that the patient stays alive long enough to have to undergo several chemotherapy sessions, radiotherapy and that he becomes a daily consumer of pharmaceutical remedies.
Want to read more about it? Search the book "The Medical Mafia", or "The Medical Mafia", published by Ghislaine Lactot in 2010. The book caused her to be expelled from the college of physicians and to have her medical license revoked.
If you or someone you love has cancer, think carefully before going to the oncologist and going through conventional cancer treatment. What is the point of making a treatment that has been proven to be flawed? Are there no better options?
Do not enter the list of millions of people who die every year because of cancer. Research, read and strive to find alternative treatments.
The natural cure for cancer is real, you just have to change your habits and your diet as we will explain later. Your immune system is able to beat the disease, but it needs your help.
Do not you believe in what you read and prefer to go through the chemical treatment? Do the natural treatment together as this will have a much better chance of winning this battle.
The following will explain how the cancer works, what factors fuel it and what to do to fight the disease in a totally natural way, without harming your health and quality of life.
What are the steps for the Natural Cancer Cure?
Inflammation is the leading cause of cancer, as well as thousands of other diseases. An inflamed body is the key to the onset and progression of cancer.
The inflammation generates the mutation of the cells, causing them to divide and multiply in an accelerated and uncontrollable way. This mutation is what we call cancer.
"But the cancer is genetic, who has cancer is because he was born with it in his DNA"
Indeed, some families have recurrent history of certain types of cancer, but most cases of the disease are related to a genetic mutation that occurs throughout life.This mutation can happen due to several factors, such as bad eating habits, stress, exposure to radiation, hormones and toxins. Estimate that 75% of all cancer cases are caused by a precarious lifestyle.
Do you want to eliminate the disease or prevent it? The first step in the natural cure of cancer is to remove everything that favors the onset and growth of the disease.
Habits, Toxins and Foods That Cause Cancer
The damage caused by free radicals and oxidative stress from inflammation are the real causes of cancer.
The natural cure of cancer has as principle to eliminate all foods, toxins and conditions that favor inflammation in your body.
Eliminate the following items from your routine to detoxify your body and give your body the chance to fight against the disease:
File of seasoned meat✕ Animal Products containing Hormones and Antibiotics
The common production animals are full of hormones, toxins and antibiotics. These products cause inflammation and damage your immune system.
What to do? Swap conventional animal products for organic animal products. This holds true for meat, chicken, fish, milk and cheeses.
✕ Sweeteners
Sweeteners like aspartame, saccharin, sucralose and acesulfame-k create free radicals in your body. Free radicals attack healthy cells and are linked to more than 50 diseases, including Alzheimer's, strokes, Parkinson's and cancer.
What to do? Be careful with processed foods, chewing gum, and diet / zero products, as most of them have sweeteners in their formulas. If it is sweet, use stevia or raw honey.
✕ Chemical Additives
Chemical additives in industrialized foods such as nitrates, sulfates, dyes and monosodium glutamate are harmful to health and are linked to free radical damage in the body.What to do? Remove all industrialized products containing these substances from your food.
Canned Tomato Extract✕ Canned and Plastic Pots
Bisphenol A is an endocrine disruptor present in plastic, canned and plastic bottles. This substance can cause infertility, obesity, diabetes and various types of cancer.
What to do? Do not heat plastic materials in the microwave, do not put hot food in plastic containers and do not eat any type of canned food.
✕ Beauty Products
Most of the beauty products you put on your skin and hair are packed with chemicals that are harmful to health and possible carcinogens.
What to do? Swap your beauty products for healthier options, preferably made with natural substances.
✕ Medications
Medications overload the liver and have several side effects to health, and the worst part is that most of the medicines you take could be avoided by adopting healthy habits in your life.
What to do? Talk to your doctor to try to decrease the amount of medicine you are taking. Give a chance for alternative treatments that are not harmful.
✕ Water treated with Chlorine and Fluoride
The water you drink may be making you sick. Whether it is mineral or tap, water is filled with substances harmful to health, such as chlorine, fluorine, heavy metals, hormones and pollutants.
What to do? Look for a quality mineral water or use a good filter to remove impurities from the water coming from the faucet. We wrote this article to help you make the right choice at the time of purchase.
Cooking Oil✕ Cooking Oils
Beware of the oil you use to cook the food. Soy, corn, cotton and canola oils are rich in omega 6. A diet rich in omega 6 causes imbalances throughout the body, generates inflammation, allergies, cognitive and digestive problems.
What to do? Use coconut oil to prepare food as it is the healthiest option.
✕ Agrochemicals
Agriculture has polluted the air, water, soil and animals of our planet with various chemicals that are harmful to health. The pesticides are linked to cancer, neurological diseases, allergies and a multitude of diseases.
The pesticides used in Brazil are a serious problem because 29 of the 50 products most used here are banned in other countries due to their side effects.
What to do? Replace all of your conventional foods with organic foods. Everything is contaminated, be it meat, vegetables, milk or fruit. Read our article on organic foods to know more.
✕ Cleaning Products
The products you use to clean your home can be extremely toxic. Several ingredients present in these products are linked to cancer. Search on the substances present in your scent for the bathroom, detergent and fabric softener and you will see that it is true.
What to do? Look for natural alternatives to replace those products that do not contain toxic chemical additives to health.
✕ Sugars and other Refined Foods
Refined sugar is the cause of most modern diseases. There is a direct relationship between the explosion of chronic diseases in the last century and the industrialization of sugar. The more processes and changes are made in a particular food, the more harmful it becomes.
What to do? Eliminate all forms of sugar and other refined foods from your diet, such as sweets, breads, pastas, frozen and industrialized foods. The natural cure for cancer will only occur if you restrict your consumption of sugar because the glucose feeds the cancer and makes it stronger.
Cheese Cheese and Milk
About 70% of the population does not respond well to dairy products. Maybe you're allergic and you do not know. The allergy compromises your immune system and causes inflammation. In addition, these products contain a multitude of hormones and remedies.
The consumption of cheese and milk is related to obesity, diabetes, breast cancer, colon, prostate, ovary, sclerosis, asthma, rhinitis, infertility and a number of other diseases.What to do? Remove all kinds of dairy from your diet, or look for unprocessed, organic choices of free-raised animals that only feed on grass. But I'll tell you, in Brazil this is almost impossible.
Nutrients, Habits and Foods That Combat Cancer
The secret to natural cancer cure is to detoxify your body from the burden of toxins, and promote proper nutrition, to strengthen your immune system and fight inflammation, making the cancer regress.
It is necessary that your diet be rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory foods, full of vegetables, vegetables, proteins and organic fruits, free of industrialized products and toxic chemical additives.
This process will not have side effects for your health, in fact it will greatly improve your quality of life and the way you feel.
The following will list several foods, supplements, therapies and habits that should be part of your routine for the natural cure of cancer.
Fillet of salmon ✓ Omega 3
Omega-3s should be included in everyone's diet, not just those with cancer. Our diet should have more omega 3 than omega 6, but what happens is just the opposite, we eat 10 to 20 times more omega 6 than omega 3.
Omega 3 reduces inflammation of the body, and has numerous actions to metabolically inhibit the spread and growth of cancer.
What to do? Buy an omega 3 supplement in the form of DHA or EPA which are best absorbed by the body. The supplement should be of good quality, filtered to remove the heavy metals and toxins present in the fish, which is a serious current problem.
✓ Vitamin D3 / Sun
Vitamin D3 is actually a hormone, which controls about 10% of our genes. It acts as a natural anti-inflammatory, strengthens the immune system and can prevent many types of diseases.
Its benefits are proven in relation to cancer. We all need to get some sunshine to have adequate levels of vitamin D3. The sun does not cause cancer as the media tries to convince you, we will soon do an article on the subject.What to do? Take at least 20 minutes of sunshine per day, with at least 40% of the body exposed and without sunscreen. Sunscreen prevents absorption of vitamin D3 through the skin. Do not have time for this? Buy a vitamin D3 supplement in drops or gel capsules at doses of 5,000 IU daily.
✓ Cruciferous vegetables
Broccoli, cabbage, cabbage, watercress and cauliflower are cruciferous vegetables, excellent sources of antioxidants with the power to neutralize cancer cells. Because of their glucosinolates, these foods help in the prevention and treatment of degenerative diseases.
What to do? Consume these vegetables 2 to 3 times a day, preferably raw so they do not lose their nutrients. If it is cooking steam it for a maximum of 5 minutes.
Clove Garlic, Onion and Chives
These vegetables protect the DNA, have anti-bacterial, antifungal and cancer-blocking properties. Studies have proven the effectiveness of these foods against cancer of the intestine, stomach, pancreas, breast and esophagus.
What to do? Consume these fresh vegetables without cooking and without processing, so that their nutrients are maintained. Some people may experience an upset stomach when eating these raw foods, so consume them after the meal in small amounts.
✓ Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Olive oil has more than 30 antioxidant compounds in its composition. Their phytonutrients are able to control inflammation and consequently decrease the progression of cancer.
What to do? Buy an extra virgin olive oil of quality. The glass should be dark, preferably organic and cold pressed. Take care when choosing, as olive oil suffers a great deal of forgery. Never use olive oil for cooking, just to season foods.
✓ Melatonin
Melatonin is produced about 60 to 90 minutes after sleep onset. It is a hormone capable of strengthening the immune system and fighting cancer in a number of ways, by inducing apoptosis, self-destruction of cancer cells, and slowing the growth of the tumor.
What to do? Sleep at least 8 hours a day in a totally dark environment, with no light or television attached, as light hinders the production of melatonin. You can also ask your doctor for a prescription for melatonin, since in Brazil it is only handled with prescription.
Broccoli Folate
Vitamin B9, in its natural form (folate), is crucial in protecting DNA and has powerful effects against breast, colorectal, and pancreatic cancer. The following foods are high in vitamin B9: spinach, asparagus, lettuce, broccoli, avocado, mango and orange.
What to do? Eat foods rich in vitamin B9 or buy a Folate supplement. Never buy vitamin B9 in the form of folic acid, its synthetic formula, as it is associated with cancer and several other health problems.
✓ Vitamin C
Vitamin C is an important step in the natural cure of cancer. It strengthens the immune system and acts as a powerful antioxidant, capable of protecting the body's cells from damage. Laboratory studies have shown that high doses of vitamin C were able to slow the progression of prostate cancer, pancreas, liver, colon, and other types of cancer cells.
What to do? Consume foods rich in vitamin C such as guava, peppers, cabbage, kiwi, broccoli, strawberry and peas. If you do not have time to consume these foods, buy a quality supplement, free of additives and dyes.✓ Essential Oil of Frankincense (Boswellia Carteri or Boswellia Sacra)
The essential oil of frankincense is a treatment that can not be lacking in the fight against the disease. Several studies have shown its effectiveness against breast, skin, brain, colon and prostate cancer. It contains anti-inflammatory properties, strengthens the immune system and prevents infections.
What to do? Mix 3 drops of frankincense oil with 3 drops of coconut oil. Rub the oil in the region affected by cancer about 3 times a day. The oil is very concentrated so it needs to be mixed to avoid causing problems. Never use it orally.
✓ Probiotics
Probiotics are good bacteria that live in your gut, responsible for regulating up to 80% of your immune system. In addition to strengthening your immune system, probiotics promote digestion and absorption of minerals, as well as bowel function. Recent research has shown that probiotic supplementation has been able to stop the growth of tumors.
What to do? Buy probiotics that contain strains of several different bacterial species to increase the benefits. Look for a probiotic with as many CFUs as possible.
Curcuma Turmeric
Turmeric has more than 100 compounds, with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective actions. Several studies are being done on the effects of turmeric in the treatment of cancer, demonstrating that it is able to interfere in the development of the disease, prevent its growth and dissemination.
What to do? Turmeric in its natural form has only 3% curcumin, its most beneficial compound. The ideal is to look for a quality curcumin supplement, so that it is well absorbed by the body.
✓ Manage Stress
The hormones released by stress generate inflammation and weaken your immune system. Your emotional state may interfere with the treatment or appearance of a tumor, anger, worry, sadness, and stress may favor cancer growth.
What to do? Go out for nature walks, go travel, have fun, meet people you love, stop complaining and start to see the good side of life, even when you are full of problems. Practicing meditation is a great way to manage stress.
Do you or someone you love have cancer? Share this information.
Do not fall into the trap of thinking that a remedy or a miracle treatment will cure a serious disease like cancer. Cancer does not play.
The natural cure for cancer is changing habits and eating. Remove everything that is intoxicating your body and offer all the tools available for your body to overcome the disease.
We are together with you in this fight.
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