Minggu, 21 Januari 2018

how to cure cancer Cancer - Healing: Can you cure every cancer?

Cancer - Healing: Can you cure every cancer?

Learn why so many people die from cancer and others do not and where to help when everyone says there is no help ... here

How cancer can be cured in weeks ... read the following article ...
Cure cancer

After 43 years, Dr. Leonard Coldwell's silence on the criminal machinations of the pharmaceutical and medical industries and how fast, cheap and without any side effects cancer can be cured.

There are well over 400 known natural cancer treatments. Otto Warburg 1918 and Max Plank 1931 received the Nobelpreis for medicine and / or physics for the proof that cancer in a basic and oxygen-rich milieu can not survive and develop.


The life story of Leonard Coldwell in the medical field started at the age of just 12, when he cured his doctor-declared mother of hepatitis C, liver cirrhosis and end-stage liver cancer. That's what 43 years ago, his mother enjoys the best health at the age of over 80 years.

What causes cancer and other diseases, Leonard Coldwell explains in the second part of the show. Starting with mental and emotional stress as cause # 1, he explains what the pharmaceutical and medical industries, as well as politics, have to do with the epidemic-like rise of diseases like cancer and more.

In the last part, Dr. Coldwell on successful healing methods and shares his experience, which he gained over 30 years of practice. This brought him a cancer cure rate of over 90% with natural remedies or alternative therapies and brought him to the realization that every cancer can be cured in a few weeks.

Find out in this interview how you too can improve your health quickly and effectively and without much financial outlay.

Culture StudioDr. Leonard Coldwell (Dr C) is the world's largest authority on natural remedies and cures for cancer, autoimmune diseases, stress-related illness, burn out syndrome, and management disorders, according to authoritative health experts.

His Instinct Based Medicine System (IBMS) is a self-help system that allows the patient to identify and eliminate the root cause of his illness. The symptoms (the so-called disease) resolve themselves with proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle.

Dr. C ", as his fans call him, is also known as one of the leading authorities for common law, sovereignty and the fight for freedom. He also fights for the freedom movement, for the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

He was one of the first authors to write about natural health and stress-related illnesses, anxiety and depression more than 40 years ago.

His high success rate in healing or better self healing help, was also a curse! The "contract killers" paid, influenced or extorted by the medical and pharmaceutical industry have made sure that Dr Coldwell has been repeatedly attacked with false accusations (without any basis for truth).

Self-proclaimed (natural health enemies) groups, disguised clubs have been paid taxpayers' money and have leaked false allegations and defamatory information on websites. Envious doctors and naturopaths have criminally tried to banish Dr Leonard Coldwell with false accusations. Dr Coldwell's practice, his therapy center was searched because he had a completely legal use of oxygen by his doctors and naturopaths.

Dr Coldwell's therapists have been threatened and forced to stop working for him in the future. Patients have been constantly harassed. The media have been instructed to defamate Campania against him. His life has been constantly threatened. He was shot and there were attacks on his life. Drove calls were already normal.

What the enemies of public health did not realize, however, was that he had made a pact with God when he was 12 years old: "Dear God, if you help my mother of cancer, (hepatitis C and liver cirrhosis) in the terminal stage (with the prognosis I have only 6 months to live) to cure, I dedicate my whole life to the cancer patient, so that they do not have to suffer the same lot that my mother and I had to go through. "

Precisely for this reason, he has never given up giving his knowledge to the people who need it most.

Instinct-based medicine !!!

Dr. Leonard Coldwell talks with Jo Conrad about his instinct-based medicine, which has helped 35,000 cancer patients identify and eliminate the cause of their disease. It motivates people to take their lives into their own hands, both in terms of health and in terms of their rights, which are becoming more and more circumcised.Source: love-life.com


Instinct-based medicine
- is a self-help system that allows the patient to identify and eliminate the root cause of his illness. The symptoms (the so-called disease) resolve themselves with proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle. How to cure yourself, read here >>>

MMS Gold - life minerals

121188 The MMS Gold life minerals complete the body with all the important minerals and trace elements that are essential for optimal cell function. Unwanted substances are bound and eliminated, restoring balance in the body. MMS Gold cleans the water, breaks up microclusters and restructures and optimizes the water.

MMS Gold eliminates chlorine, fluorine, pharmaceutical residues, chemicals, plastics, solvents, heavy metals and water pathogens. It kills viruses, harmful bacteria and parasites by oxidation and prevents their spread and growth, even in the body.

MMS Gold dissolves deposits (calcification) from the cells, glands, organs and other body tissues. It increases the oxygen supply and promotes the absorption and assimilation of nutrients in the cells. It stimulates cell activity and ATP production and promotes and activates enzyme activity. MMS Gold activates hormone functions, such as the release of glutathione and superoxide dismutase. here continue >>>

Stress - the main cause of all diseases
All diseases are caused by a lack of energy. And the biggest energy robber is mental and emotional stress, the main cause of all illnesses. Stress deprives us of energy to such an extent that the immune system is deprived of any opportunity to function reliably. Doctor Coldwell helps you to understand that there is always hope, no matter how bad your health situation is at the moment. read on here >>>

Chemotherapy - sure death
95% of all cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy do not die of cancer but of chemotherapy! Chemotherapy promotes the growth and spread of cancer cells rather than ridding the body of cancer. here continue >>>

How cancer develops
To understand the cancer, it helps to understand what happens when cells change like cancer. The body consists of many different cell types. These cells grow or divide only when necessary for the body. This regeneration of the cells takes place in a controlled manner and serves to maintain the health of the body ... here continue >>>

The truth about cancer
16 doctors, 13 survivors and 10 scientists and medical journalists break their silence. They tell the truth about cancer and show how this disease can be completely naturally prevented, treated and defeated! more here

The alternative in the fight against cancer
This plant, which is very popular worldwide for its health-promoting properties, also has an anti-cancer effect and is up to 100 times more effective than chemotherapy. It is well known that there are other effective and proven alternative strategies to prevent cancer and treat without surgery, chemotherapy or radiation. here continue >>>

Consciously experience every moment
The classic of Western Zen literature - Zen as a way to get along well with everyday problems. Zen as an attitude that helps us in relationships, at work, in our fears and sufferings ... here nextMan is a soul that has a body
Discover and train psychic abilities. Sensitivity, intuition, hearing inner voices, clairvoyance, aura and self-healing. The world of inner wisdom is real, and anyone can be a part of it ... here on

Organic coconut oil
This native coconut oil is made from freshly harvested organic coconuts. The fully ripe pulp is cold pressed. Thus, the valuable ingredients and the fine coconut flavor of this high-quality natural product are particularly well preserved. Coconut oil is highly heatable and can be used for frying, baking and frying. It is also ideal as a spread. It is great for skin care because it is completely free of artificial additives, deodorants or bleach.
continue here ...

Magnesium chloride
The original from the Dead Sea! Sun-dried, laboratory-tested & certified: apply brine: approx. Dissolve 30-40 g = 4 teaspoons of magnesium chloride in 1 liter of water, keep airtight, do not cool and take at room temperature. available here

In the future, there will be only two groups of cancer patients left. Those who have read the following ... and the ignorant.
For many years, Lothar Hirneise has been traveling the world in search of the most successful cancer therapies and educating people that there is more to it than chemo and radiation. In addition to the description of more than 100 therapies and substances for the treatment of cancer, it will be clarified here, which therapies are used in which types of cancer in conventional medicine and what you need to know as a patient before undergoing them. Learn why so many people die of cancer and some do not and where to help when everyone says there is no help ... here next >>>

Lupo Cattivo: A LIE MUST ONLY BE GREAT ENOUGH AND NOBODY WILL BELIEVE THAT IT IS A LIE. The longer you read, the more you experience, the more plausible story becomes, and the "mysteries" and "coincidences" are replaced by facts. continue here

Suffering on prescription
Do medications make you healthy? It would be nice! Many remedies are less useful than they are intended, and often they even make you ill. Whether blood pressure, Parkinson's or dementia - behind many illnesses are not physical and emotional defects, but the side effects of millions of drugs consumed. What the result is, you can read here >>>

The pharmaceutical lie
No doctor knows exactly what he prescribes. No patient knows all the side effects of his drug. The reason: The pharmaceutical industry does not disclose its own studies - and the regulatory authorities protect the corporations. Knowledgeable and detailed here you will learn how the pharmaceutical industry and scientists conceal or manipulate negative study results, carry out clinical studies in developing countries and influence the prescribing behavior of physicians. Here you will receive the evidence >>>

A medical insider unpacks
How patients and doctors are cheated on a daily basis, what incredible systems are behind them, how governments and pharmaceutical companies go about dead bodies and how wrong and dangerous today's medicine is ... find out here >>>Hyperacidity, Ill for no reason?
By one-sided diet and a lifestyle in which stress, alcohol fast food and caffeine play a big role and sports and exercise play only a small role, our body is severely affected. How hyperacidity becomes measurable and how to eat healthy. Learn here >>>

Healthy balance through basic nutrition
Basic nutrition provides the human with basic minerals, as well as all the nutrients and vital substances that the body needs in order to get into its healthy balance. so that in all parts of the body the correct and healthy pH-value can be created.here more >>>

STOP - The reversal of the aging process
The Laws of Eternal Youth - The Unveiling of the Secret of the Ageless - You can find out here about the unavoidable visible rejuvenation here >>>

Dream Body
The fastest way to get your dream body is NOT tormenting in the gym ... and NOT starving ...
continue here

Russian-healing techniques
the secret of the effective use of Russian healing methods and how to achieve good healing results in no time at all .

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Related : how to cure cancer Cancer - Healing: Can you cure every cancer?

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